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We help content creators across the globe generate more revenue by connecting them to 50+ premium advertising exchanges, deploying cutting-edge ad serving technology, and providing hands-on ad operations expertise.

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幸运澳洲10开奖号码结果|记录手机版app新版 impression on your website using a single platform

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Improve Clickthrough Rates

Our visual ad manager allows point-and-click creation of new ad units and layouts, while our machine learning based layout optimizer drives ad revenue growth using automated A/B testing.


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Maximize eCPMs & Revenue

Open up your ad inventory for bidding by multiple demand partners in real-time. Our system auto-selects the optimal number of partners, so that you get the best yield for every single impression.


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Recover Ad-blocked Revenue

We help publishers recover the revenue they are losing due to ad blockers. Our ads adhere to the highest UX standards as laid out by the Acceptable Ads standards.


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Highly-viewable Formats

In addition to standard IAB units, we offer sticky ads, docked ads, in-image ads, and native ads. We fill these ads with premium demand via our partner ad exchanges to maximize revenue.


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Drive Bid Competition

Ad mediation helps optimize ad revenue between closed networks. Our bid comparison engine uses 15+ parameters to decide which network wins the impression, without knowing their bids.


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Blazing Fast Ad Delivery

Our JS-based integration takes 15 minutes to setup. We've made many code customizations to minimize page latency, including modular code generation, lazy loading, and CDN-based delivery.


AdPushup's platform gives you the power to optimize for audience engagement and ad revenue.

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幸运168澳洲10视频直播记录官方网站-号码结果计划查询 Industry Leader

2024澳洲行运10结果开奖,官网直播体彩网-全天在线计划结果数据-澳洲十记录号码查询历史 of helping publishers succeed using value added services and technology, offering superior interaction and expert consulting, and maintaining a reputation for prioritizing a healthy advertising ecosystem.

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Access Top-Tier Demand

In 2014, we launched our proprietary A/B testing tool to help web publishers increase their ad revenue by optimizing ad layouts.

Since then, we’ve expanded our product portfolio and partnered with multiple top-tier networks and exchanges such as OpenX, Rubicon Project, Media.net, Index Exchange, Pubmatic, and District M.

These partnerships allow us to reduce barriers of entry and bring the best global brands, campaigns, and ads to our publisher partners.

Access premium demand
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The AdPushup Advantage


Get started quickly by including a single line of JS code in the header of your site, our account manager will then help you with on-boarding.


Our machine learning based optimization engine displays the best-performing ad layouts based on data collected during testing.

Easy payments

Get paid via PayPal or bank wire on Net-45 terms for the revenue generated by serving ads through our network on your site.

Your Personal Ad Ops Hotline

Our partners depend on us for solving their daily ad ops challenges as well as meeting long-term ad revenue goals. Whatever it us—we're here for you.

Dedicated Account Manager

All our partners get a dedicated account manager; to assist with everything from the on-boarding to providing everyday ad ops support and technical troubleshooting.

Google Policy Compliance

Our close relationship with Google and deep understanding of their ad products such as AdSense, AdX, and GAM allows us to deliver quick policy compliance assistance.

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幸运澳洲10查询历史-结果记录开奖 Customers Say

We found what works for us with our audience after integrating with AdPushup and saw an upward trend in revenue—all thanks to their competent platform and committed team.

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Vikas Yogi
Founding editor of IndiaCarNews

Everything was up and running within a week. AdPushup helped us achieve significant uplift through strategic ad placements and by connecting us to demand that we couldn't access on our own.

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Matt Miller
Lead developer of SummitPost

Just like any business owner, we're looking for additional ways to grow our revenue. If we hadn't worked with AdPushup, we would've been leaving money on the table.

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Dan Laufer
Co-founder and CEO, RentLingo

AdPushup has been a reliable partner and their enterprise solution works like a charm, especially the support. We would recommend them to anyone looking to increase their revenue.

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Amit Qazi
Programmatic and Ad Operations Head, Zee Entertainment

How We Delivered a 534% Ad Revenue Uplift in 6 Months for CCNA7

CCNA7 is a niche educational website that publishes in-depth learning modules and exams targeted towards people interested in preparing for the IT certification. It follows a Q&A theme and regularly updates content with the latest information and insights. CCNA7 had explored other ad tech vendors in the past, before switching to AdPushup.

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Let's Get Started

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